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Mental Health Services | Assessments | Supervision
At Enso Minds, Dr. Arias Shah of over 13 years of clinical experience, understands that relationships are the core element in all of our lives and healthy relationships mean security, confidence, and resiliency. Dr. Arias Shah's mission is to provide evidence-based quality ethical services to diverse clients, respecting who they are and the circumstances that have lead them to seek services. From a clinical perspective both in therapy and assessments, Dr. Arias Shah focuses on identifying the strengths and resources of her clients to empower them, as she collaborates with them in discovering potential resolutions/solutions, creating lasting positive change in line with their preferred outcome. As a clinical supervisor, Dr. Arias Shah is passionate and dedicated to her supervisee's clinical training development, recognizing their unique attributes in crafting their therapeutic style, assuring they are competent and sensitive to their clients' needs, cultures and diversities accordingly.
Most services are offered in office (Coral Springs Fl location) or online in English or Spanish. Dr. Arias Shah also offers exclusive concierge services. All services can be booked and paid for conveniently online. For more information about Enso Minds and Dr. Arias Shah's services scroll down and search the website filled with pertinent information.
Introduction to Enso
Enso (formally spelled Ensō) is a sacred symbol in Zen Buddhism meaning circle of togetherness (whole). Traditionally, drawing this symbol was a meditative practice in letting go of the mind and allowing the body to create in a single brushstroke with no modifications. In essences, the Enso symbol is a manifestation of the person in the moment of creation and the acceptance of their innermost self.
For most Enso symbolizes strength, elegance, the beauty in imperfection, the art of letting go (thoughts and emotions preventing growth), connection (circle of life), and one-mindedness.
The creation of Enso Minds
The philosophy of Enso is very much compatible with those of psychotherapy, as Dr. Arias Shah embraces the concepts that clients possess strengths and truths that can be utilized to identify and challenge cycles/patterns that keep clients stuck, discovering what they want, and transcending them on a journey in creating a healthier narrative and positive relationships.
Enso Minds Services
Price for 1 minute

Dr. Arias Shah offers transformative services in English or Spanish
Types offered:
☛ Divorce/Speration Counseling
☛ Group Therapy (support groups, workshops, etc.)
Supervision Services

Are you a new graduate registered intern looking for a qualified Supervisor in Dade or Broward County?
☛ I am an approved AAMFT supervisor with over 13 years of clinical experience. I supervise registered Marriage and Family Therapy and Mental Health interns for licensure with the state of Florida.
☛ Services offered in person & online
☛ Focus on systemci case conceptualization, develop required core competencies, develop therapeutic style based on evidance based practice, develop insight and skills to be mindful of self & clients' cultures & diversities.

Dr. Arias Shah conducts several comprehensive mental health assessments/evaulations outside of therapy practice, for referring agents, such as the government, state, public & private companies, attorneys, case managers, etc.
☛ Conduct the following but not limited to: Emotional Support Animal (ESA), Immigration (I-601, I-601a, N-648, I-360), Mental Health condition/frequency (e.g. Florida Board of Bar Evaluations).
☛ Services are predominately conducted in the office with the exception of ESA (can be done online).
Conceirge Services

Dr. Arias Shah offers custom Conceirge Services to fit the clients lifestyle needs and/or circumstances
☛ Services are private, intimate & confidential, taking place in the comfort of the clients home
☛ Services are designed to be extensive & flexible
☛ Sessions's length of time is longer than typical in office sessions (90min)
☛ Sessions scheduled as frequent as needed
Book your appointment below with Dr. Arias Shah ! If any questions call
1-888-995-ENSO (3676) !