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Though currently Marriage and Family Therapists in most states are not working within the school systems, they receive referrals constantly from school counselors as children and teen's "symptoms" are typically not individualized (internal) but a symptom of the system needing to change as well. As a systemic clinician, Dr. Arias Shah has worked with many families across the years addressing behavioral, cognitive, and emotional challenges children and teens face and their family dynamics/cycles to interrupt them and create healthier ones, providing families with insight and tools to function "optimally."

Collaborative work with the consent of the parents is helpful to provided insight that can help with adjustments needed at school and vice a versa.

Contact Dr. Arias Shah today @ 1-888-995-ENSO (3676) for more information in collaborating with schools. 

***Leading Services in English or Spanish in office or online: Individual Therapy, Family Therapy, Couples Therapy, and Divorce Counseling; Facilitate intimate transformative groups; conduct Assessments such as Emotional Support Animal, Immigration, and Mental Health Condition/Diagnosis; Mentor and supervise clinical Mental health and Marriage and Family Therapy Interns.***  

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