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Family Therapy


Many would agree family is everything, with that said many come to family therapy for hope to change their circumstances, whether it’s: a situation/incident, life/developmental stage changes, relational conflicts, poor communication, parenting challenges, concerns with certain individual within the family system (children), coping with hardships or grief, divorce and remarriage, etc. As a Marriage and Family Therapist, Dr. Arias Shah recognizes the unique challenges of addressing the concerns and needs of the family system. The initial process will fundamentally require an understanding of the family's: relational dynamics, communication style, cultural and diversity beliefs and influences, interactional cycles and patterns, and the context of the history of the presenting concern. Moreover, in accordance to Dr. Arias Shah's collaborative strength based-systemic approach, she is vested in identifying and understanding: the family system's attempted solutions; exemptions of the problem (when it wasn’t present) and how did that happen; strengths and resources to be utilized; and collaborative goal/s to co-construct effective solutions.

Book your appointment Today or contact Dr. Arias Shah @ 1-888-995-ENSO (3676)! 

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